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Things that start happening to you when you dress like a gentleman

Things that start happening to you when you dress like a gentleman

Think back to the last time you approached someone needing directions; they were likely either a parent pushing a pram or in professional attire, and this is one of the many things that start happening to you when you dress like a gentleman.
Interestingly, in January 2016, studies showed that Doctors, teachers, and hairdressers (and barbers) are three of the occupations most trusted by the British public. What’s interesting is all of these careers require a well-groomed dress code.
The Modest Man blog identified a number of things that start happening to you when you start dressing well, so we’ve selected a few of our favourites;

  1. Ladies will start checking you out more
  2. Strangers will feel more confident in approaching you for directions because you appear more trustworthy
  3. You attract a greater level of respect in your place of work
  4. You win that client or new job opportunity
  5. People smile at you and approach you more
  6. People compliment you more
  7. Women who never really noticed you before will definitely start to notice you now
  8. You set more personal goals such as incorporating the gym and a healthier lifestyle into your weekly routine
  9. Men may become slightly jealous of your new-found confidence and allure over the ladies
  10. Black cabs will always top for you
  11. You feel more confident in your own skin
  12. People listen more when you speak
  13. Male grooming becomes of higher importance to match your clothing
  14. You start getting your shoes polished
  15. People assume you’re successful and affluent

If you have experienced positive things that start happening to you when you dress like a gentleman, we would love to hear and share your story!
Image: La Vida

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