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4 staple men’s accessories you need to rock in AW16

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Men’s fashion continues to go through an exciting rejuvenation; staple men’s accessories are becoming more important as part of every look. It’s just not enough to throw on a coordinated jumper and jeans or fitted suit anymore. So, throw caution to the wind and invest in these 4 staple men’s accessories you need to rock in AW16.

4 Staple men’s accessories for AW16


mens accessories for aw16
A surprising contender, the neckerchief has made a serious comeback and can make the most laid back of outfits appear well thought out and well put together. Here is some great inspiration from The Sartorialist on different ways to style your neckerchief to compliment your outfit and personal style.


hats mens accessories for aw16
We’re not sure many of us could pull of some of the more eccentric AW16 men’s hat styles as demonstrated at fashion week by various brands such as Fendi, but the beanie is a fool-proof wardrobe staple for AW16, and can be an effortlessly stylish way to achieve a more modern smart casual look.
We’re particularly fond of the great example shown below from The Idle Man.

The Man Bag

It’s amusing to remember the days it was undeniably uncool to be seen dead with a bag as a man; unless you were at school, a skater or ‘grunger’, in which case a rucksack slung over one shoulder was a standard wardrobe staple.
However, times have changed. You have likely evolved, and so has the man bag; as exquisitely showcased by Louis Vuitton below. There’s a style and size now available both from luxury and high street brands to suit all budgets, whilst being practical by offering organized compartments or being big enough to discreetly carry laptops.

Key chains

mens accessories for aw16
Key chains are an easy accessory to add – not ostentatious and can help you become more confident about adding staple men’s accessories to your look. If you’re young enough, you may still have one lying around somewhere from your teenage years, or on the other end of the scale, you may be able to ‘adopt’ this accessory from your teenage son or daughter if they went through the grunge or skater phase…

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